This little zine hopes to draw the viewer's attention with the most appealing bright graphics and contrasting text. It contains both the full textual content of the research informed consent form, as well as my art publication proposal on the topic of sensitive emotion in intercultural communication. It will be distributed free of charge, along with my business card foldout, to my provisional participant, to establish connections, possible opportunities for conversation, and imaginative potential creative communities.
作為研究實踐的第一部分,這本小志希望以最吸引人的明亮的圖形與對比度高的文字捕捉觀眾的注意力。裡面包含本項目研究知情同意書的全部文字內容,與一份關於異鄉敏感情緒的思考碎片(artist book proposal)。它將與一份名片折頁一起被免費分發給願意參加研究採訪的、作為中國藝術書展/獨立藝術出版的一部分的所有人,以建立聯繫、可能的交談機會與想象性的潛在創作群體。
作为研究实践的第一部分,这本小志希望以最吸引人的明亮的图形与对比度高的文字捕捉观众的注意力。里面包含本项目研究知情同意书的全部文字内容,与一份关于异乡敏感情绪的思考碎片(artist book proposal)。它将与一份名片折页一起被免费分发给愿意参加研究采访的、作为中国艺术书展/独立艺术出版的一部分的所有人,以建立联系、可能的交谈机会与想象性的潜在创作群体。
The phrase "plastic home" comes from the Chinese slang practice of calling "plastic language” when people are speaking a language in a non-native incorrect way. I use the metaphor “plastic” to describe the behavior of minorities in unacquainted cultural environments rebuilding a sense of familiarity with their hometowns in a poorly conceived way.
The title design serves as an identifier throughout the practice, in the form of a sticker, which is an everyday life object. Inverting the text “home" makes the text be recognised as both "plastic home" and "plastic emo(tion)". The parking symbol of "P" as a magnified visual centre is expected to symbolically stop the reader's eyes for a short period.
標題設計作為貫穿整個實踐的標識,以貼紙的形式成為黏著於日常生活中的物體符號。倒置特定單詞的排版邏輯使得文字可以被閱讀提取出多重的含義。意為停止的符號「P」作為被放大的視覺中心,期望象徵性地使得讀者的視線短暫停滯。 标题设计作为贯穿整个实践的标识,以贴纸的形式成为黏着于日常生活中的物体符号。倒置特定单词的排版逻辑使得文字可以被阅读提取出多重的含义。意为停止的符号“P”作为被放大的视觉中心,期望象征性地使得读者的视线短暂停滞。