Yunqi Peng (b.1998) works as a graphic designer under the pseudonym of ‘CheapBall’ in social media, alternative bookstores and art book fairs. With text, typography and graphic languages as visual methods, she uses self-publishing and art book exhibitions as her main avenues of intercultural and subcultural exploration.
An experimental practice in the form of art publications, the outcomes are a study of the credibility of narrative structures and non-traditional narrative models and a concern for the delicate issues hidden beneath the grand social narrative.
She is now pursuing a PhD in the School of Communication, Royal College of Art (London). She completed her MA in Visual Communication (Graphic Design Pathway) at the Royal College of Art (London) in July 2022. Her previous education includes a BA in Graphic Design & Art Direction (Visual Design Pathway) from Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (Milan, 2020), and a BFA in Visual Communication from East China Normal University (Shanghai, 2020).
Her awards include Excellent Works of the 2022 Tokyo TDC, Nominee Works of the 2023 Tokyo TDC, Annual Experiment Publishing of Award 360° 2023, Annual Graduation Work of Graduate 360° 2023, etc. Her works have been published in BranD Magazine, Asia-Pacific Design Annual Book, Design360° Magazine, and exhibited at Himalaya Museum (Shanghai), BIP Gallery (Shanghai), ggg Gallery (Tokyo), Barge House (London), Ten Square (Singapore), Media Art Nexus (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), etc.
便宜球,本名彭韵琪,1998年生于重庆。平面设计师、独立出版工作者、英国皇家艺术学院传播学博士在读。热衷于探寻独立出版物的非传统叙事结构与叙事氛围。作品入选2022东京TDC,获2023东京TDC提名奖,Award360°年度设计奖、Graduate360°年度毕业设计奖、GDC铜奖等奖项,刊登于《BranD》《亚太设计年鉴》《Design360°》,并于上海喜马拉雅美术馆、上海TX淮海BIP画廊、伦敦Barge House画廊、新加坡Ten Square、新加坡南洋理工大学Media Art Nexus等场所展出。